Business blog (English)
Let’s get right to the business.
Silence as a response doesn’t suggest an acceptance but negligence.
Growing business
If the business is growing really well, you gotta check the reporting system. Something went wrong there.
It is a common knowledge that IT companies are not a “cash cow” type of business. Normally the company is created then risen to some particular stage and then sold out. But why? Why not keep something that is growing really well?
Sales. Doing it Sillicon Valley style
Business person
When a business person becomes a politician, his supervisor should fire him.
Trust credit
One important observation. Something that is obvious once said aloud but not so commonly discussed. So VC-backed startup usually spends the money raised from the fund to grow the business. How it is being done is another question, but that’s how it works.
There are three R that describe the daily activities of a manager. Reach. Request. Report.
Radish and chance
OK, so I was heading home from zoo through the county, and there was that old lady selling radish. I could stop right there, but I knew there will be many more sellers ahead and few wild markets as well. So I decided to buy radish and other vegetables and berries from my list together later on. No point to stop here.
Effective sales
Before the call with the sales representative of that company, I was 100% sure I’ll be buying from them. It is a fifty-fifty now after the call.