Weird experience

Funny situation. I was at Domosfera last Friday and passed by one of the most reputable restaurants in this city. I had the hell of a week and ordered one shot of vodka (“Russian Standard” to be exact), and it was served. Long story short it was water inside instead of vodka. Of course, I realized it only when liquid was in me. I ordered one more, and this time just tasted. Water again. Ok, manager was there in 5 min. They brought a bottle 1/3 full of… water. They apologized profoundly. Somebody replaced vodka with water, thanks it was not acid… I plan to continue with this place next week. Someone has to be punished for my stress. It was my first 50gr of vodka in 3 months. As a matter of fact, it was 50gr of water.

Startup ideas. Where these coming from?

Where do they come from? I would say the best ones are just those ideas that make the personal life of the inventor more enjoyable or productive or accessible or meaningful. At some point, the author decides that other people may also benefit from this very idea, and she builds a business around it. If the move were right, the customers would follow.

Ukraine, Why? Personal

They asked in an interview why I still live in Ukraine while other countries provide more opportunities for the life and career development. It is a valid question. The short answer would be “no idea”. The longer answer would be as following: Ukraine has no future if things go the way they are moving right now. A country stuck in the middle of the way to nowhere. Not Russia and not Europe. There are much corruption and anger and lack of professionalism and law here. However, it moves on, and a new generation (well, part of it) tries to change things. They do it in particular companies and for now unable to do anything on the state level. However, maybe one day soon.

Revolutionary Necessity

I find it very disturbing to see what they are doing with Cyprus bank system. Not only because our company was affected. Not only because they destroyed the economy of the island. Banks account for 70% of GDP for the country, and banks are all about trust. As soon as you destroyed customers’ trust you can close the bank. The bankruptcy is only matter of a short time perspective then.