Good CV
If you write about yourself and your text is too long for a Twitter, too boring for Facebook and can be considered an advertisement on LinkedIn, congratulations! You’ve written perfect CV. ))
If you write about yourself and your text is too long for a Twitter, too boring for Facebook and can be considered an advertisement on LinkedIn, congratulations! You’ve written perfect CV. ))
Some five months ago I failed my first MBA exam. As a matter of fact, it was the first time in my life I failed an exam. Now after I have reapplied and successfully passed it with “A” grade, I should say it was a great experience, and I am quite satisfied that I failed it back then.
One of my FB contacts posted this: “I work for money. If you want loyalty, hire a dog”. How do you like?
One thing is we have thousand of publications in many business medias about the loyalty and its importance nowadays. Not to mention the fact that the money alone is not enough anymore. Otherwise, HRM would be a waste of time. Just pay good money, and that’s it.
Не люблю писать длинно. Но напишу.
Грустно наблюдать за тем, что делается в стране. Особенно грустно на фоне этого выглядят дискуссии в парламенте, телестудиях и интернет-войны на форумах. Как-то все не о том… Слова те, но фразы не о том.
Here is somewhat new subject. Suppose somebody left your company and after some period, this person considers returning. There can be any reason for that, but she approaches you with such a request. Now the question is what are you going to do?
Democracy as the organization of political life requires some level of maturity from the people.
Maybe it is precisely the reason explaining why some countries have a long story of democratic traditions while others still discuss whether they need democracy or “strong hand” of the autocratic leader. Moreover, maybe this is specifically the reason some countries tend to fall into the chaos should the authoritarian leader leave due to whatever reason. Examples of such countries in Europe are Russia and Ukraine.
I could not imagine there will be times like these. I must admit working and doing business with all this worrying information pouring from the news is a challenge. Several weeks ago, I noticed that people were mostly discussing the situation in the country rather than doing their work. We agreed though that we should keep working as hard as ever. It is also important for people to see and understand that company cares and will do whatever it takes to protect them and their families.
A while ago I was mentioning one funny Russian business shortening and its meaning.
There is another one exists. Called ISA. Can be translated as Imitation of the Stormy Activity. This guy is always busy. In our company, we even have an unofficial nomination for this type of person – Busiest Guy in the Company. So this person seems to be a key person in the business. Obviously, without him, we would not make it.
Startup idea is important, but the only thing that matters is execution. So probably there is no point to protect the idea unless it is something revolutionary.
Many successful projects do not bring any patentable IP although perfect execution makes them winners.
When new leader joins an organization, he is considered a Messiah. And people treat him this way up to the moment when he becomes “that idiot responsible for all this”. Unless he really is a Messiah.