Piece of advice

A tiny piece of advice for the e-mail correspondence. When somebody is ought to do something for you and promised this “something” in the e-mail just make sure not to hurry with the “Thank you” or “ok” answer. Do take pause. As soon as you see that the person is late on the action promised do proceed with shooting your “thanks.” In 99%, you will get the promised done instantly.

Mathematics is the only science

The rest are our opinions about subjects. The opinions can be in line with the trend or go in the opposite direction. Sometimes these contradictions can confuse. Right until the new idea becomes a trend, and all are happy. Until the moment, a new opinion stated.

Two scenarios

There was this company having the problems with the pipeline and sales. Therefore, CSO told the participants during the meeting: “Ok, guys we are doing not so good however I do have two possible scenarios for us to reach our targets. One of them seems to be quite realistic, and another one is kind of fantastic. I will start with the realistic one. I do believe Jesus will come on the Earth and help us through”.

Easy fix

I had the problem with this colleague. We participated in a dozen of meetings over the previous several weeks. I mean teleconferences. There always was this issue – I did not quite understand her. I heard her but not as good as the rest of the participants. The same thing was happening today. And suddenly one of the guys told her: “Looks like your mic is up the headset, can you take it down.” Shock and laugh. Boy, was it loud now? It did the trick.