Product and Marketing
They say the product manager puts the product on shelf and marketing manager takes it off the shelf. It is all wrong. These two if working effectively eliminate a need for the shelf.
They say the product manager puts the product on shelf and marketing manager takes it off the shelf. It is all wrong. These two if working effectively eliminate a need for the shelf.
Know the Golden Circle marketing theory of Sinek? It always sounded familiar… Jesus Christ in the garden of Gethsemane talking to the Father: “You’re far too keen on where and how, but not so hot on why.” (c) Webber. Marketers, now you know…
– I just came across your company…
– Don’t stop, keep going!
“БУХАЖЕР”. Выпивающий ухажер.
– Я и не так могу!
– Я знаю что ты не так можешь. Ты так не можешь!
– Почему каждый раз подавая на британскую визу нужно заново сдавать пальцы?
– Ну а вдруг у тебя в жизни что-то за это время поменялось…
Папа Карло – это дедушка Буратино!
There is no danger when AI wins a chess playing with a human. Now the danger starts when AI realizes that it actually plays a chess.
– Are you single?
– No, I am double…
“Одна нога здесь, другая там” сказала Волочкова…