Slave to the lamp

When people talk about the entrepreneurship, one of the definite pluses they mention is this “freedom.” You work for yourself; you report to no one. And then goes this: “you can even skip the work day if you feel like that”. You can. Right. But… “Tell me, Mr. Anderson… what good is a phone call if you’re unable to speak?” What good is a right you never use? In the own business, you are as powerful as Genie. And yet you are a slave to this lamp.


20150327123103Do you see this thing next to the laptop? It is one of the best investments your company can make ever. In fact, if you haven’t budgeted it, please do it ASAP or just go ahead and spend own money. It will be a wise investment of $5 which will pay back from the very first day. Now the next day you will be profitable and after that ROI will be impossibly high. Provided how simple the mechanism of the sandglass is, and zero maintenance costs – it is a damn perpetual engine. Provided the value it brings it is a philosopher’s stone.

Rule of thumb

“The only guarantee I will not be discussing you with other people is the fact I am not discussing other people with you.” Should be a rule of thumb in any office. Otherwise is counterproductive and destroys the moral and business eventually. As a matter of fact, not the worst principle for the life outside the office as well. Which is not a surprise because business is just a logical extension of the human relations thus most rules working in daily life will suit office life equally.


Эндорфины,  вырабатываемые человеческим мозгом, повышают болевой порог, помогая переносить физическую боль. Иначе человек испытывал бы невыносимые страдания даже от движений в суставах. Интересно, может быть эти же вещества помогают нам заглушать боль моральную? Может быть, мы постоянно живём под кайфом? Или потому и живём, что под кайфом?

EU customs

I happen to be a frequent traveler to EU. Several times every year. Business and recreation. Being a physically challenged person, I mostly travel by car. Therefore, I am a frequent visitor on the border customs. I do not have too many words (that wouldn’t be in French) to describe the situation on these customs. Enough to say that you can easily spend up to 6 hours in a waiting queue. Not to mention the customs officers who are a complete disaster. Highly unprofessional and lazy people.